Castro de Toiriz

Popular myths

Información práctica

Cómo llegar

The castro is signposted from Silleda town centre. A street leads from here to the PO-201, in the direction of Cortegada. After just a few metres you will see a sign for Castro de Toiriz, in the urban nucleus of the same name. Once here, and after a further 285 m., a path on the right-hand side will lead you to the entrance to the castro, just in front of a farm.


The site is open and free.


The site is accessible. The tour follows a path with only very slight gradients.


Visitors are asked to respect the archaeological remains. Their conservation depends upon your collaboration.

Thank you!

For further information

¡Lo que no te puedes perder!

Carboeiro Monastery (Silleda)

A Benedictine monastery built in the 10th century and situated on the banks of the River Deza. Architecturally, it is an example of the transition from the Romanesque to the late Gothic, constituting one of the most characteristic monuments of medieval Galician art and influenced by Compostelan art forms; specifically, by the style created by Master Mateo in the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.

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A Fervenza do Toxa (Toxa Waterfall) (Silleda)

The Deza Trail passes alongside Carboeiro Monastery and the free-falling waterfall, which, at 30 m, is the tallest in Galicia. The water itself comes from the River Toxa, a tributary of the Deza, lending its name to the waterfall. The trail crosses a leafy wood of oaks, chestnuts, birches and other autochthonous species, creating a unique landscape to captivate visitors.

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Pazo de Liñares (Linares Country House) (Lalín)

A 17th-century pazo that houses the Centro de Xestión do Coñecemento Arqueolóxico (Archaeological Knowledge Management Centre) (Provincial Council of Pontevedra), the Museo Galego da Marioneta e do Xoguete (Galician Museum of Puppets and Toys) (Imaxina, Lalín Town Council) and Sala Loriga, a tribute to Spanish aviation.

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Castro de Doade (Lalín)

Several archaeological campaigns, promoted by the Casa do Patrón – an ethnographical museum exhibiting items recovered from the excavations in the castro – have been carried out. Different dwelling structures, the wall and a double ditch cut into the rock were also uncovered.

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CastroDeza (Lalín)

Housed on the ground floor of Lalín Town Hall, CastroDeza is a space devoted to the revitalisation of cultural tourism. It is conceived as a virtual museum of castro (hillfort) culture, bringing together myths, castros and gastronomy.

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