Castro de Troña
Approximate duration: 45 minutes
1. The ditch
The hillfort’s defensive system is made up of two stone walls, between 2 and 4 metres high, which clearly form the boundaries of two sites: one situated on the croa, or acropolis, of the hillfort, severely altered by artificial land levelling, and another lower down, encompassing part of the former’s perimeter. Towards the eastern side, the wall is refortified by a large 18-metre-high, 10-metre´-wide ditch, dug out of the rock, alongside which runs the access track, and two small parapets made out of stone and earth.
2. Southern sector
This sector was home to the settlement’s craftsmen. Documented here are several circular huts in which evidence was found that the hillfort’s inhabitants were involved in metalworking. In one such hut, numerous remains of iron casts, blacksmiths’ tongs and smelting crucibles were found. Gold work was also documented, remains of a gold ingot and fragment of the bar of a gold torque appearing under the paved floor of a hut and dating back to the 1st century BCE. Up until now, this is the only hillfort in the province of Pontevedra with documented evidence of gold work. A rectangular structure is also situated here, used possibly to store grain.
3. Dulce Nombre de Jesús Chapel
On the top of the acropolis is to be found the chapel built in the 13th century and dedicated to the Sweet Name of Jesus. It is baroque in style, with a rectangular floor plan and a single nave with a barrel vault. Nearby the chapel is an annex used by those who participate in the procession to the chapel on the third Sunday of January and on 6th August along the path leading here from Pías. At the front of the church is a vantage point with views across the entire Tea valley, which gives us an idea of how well controlled it was from the position of the hillfort.
4. The “Pedra da Serpe”
On the top of the acropolis is to be found the chapel built in the 13th century and dedicated to the Sweet Name of Jesus. It is baroque in style, with a rectangular floor plan and a single nave with a barrel vault. Nearby the chapel is an annex used by those who participate in the procession to the chapel on the third Sunday of January and on 6th August along the path leading here from Pías. At the front of the church is a vantage point with views across the entire Tea valley, which gives us an idea of how well controlled it was from the position of the hillfort.
5. Walls and tower
The settlement was protected by two walls: a first line of wall, located on the acropolis, and a second one built as a consequence of the settlement’s growth, situated on the northern slope. On the eastern side of the former wall, near the stone with the serpent engraving, there is documentary evidence of a tower associated with this wall which would complete the settlement’s control, surveillance and protection system.

¡Lo que no te puedes perder!
Castelo de Sobroso (Mondariz)
The medieval fortress of Sobroso was built on a rocky promontory on the hillside of mount Landín. Its walls have borne witness to a succession of battles, plots and power struggles between noble families, and it has been a place of passage for kings, queens, pilgrims and walkers. Its walls were home to secrets, stories and legends that we can now discover, as its conversion into a museum allows us access to both the castle and its former inhabitants.
Mondariz-Balneario (Mondariz-Balneario)
This town council, the smallest in Galicia, boasts an array of marvels representing our cultural, historical and natural heritage. The spa, renowned in Europe since the end of the 19th century for its thermal springs, is a source of therapeutic, mineral medicinal waters. Its surroundings provide visitors with the opportunity to wander at their leisure and disconnect from everyday life, including the ruins in the garden of the old Gran Hotel, the A Gándara and Troncoso fountains and strolls along the River Tea.
Municipal Museum of Ponteareas (Ponteareas)
This museum, situated on the site of the old tanning factory, brings us a step closer to the history of Ponteareas and the surrounding area. Some of the archaeological artefacts found in the Castro de Troña (Ponteareas) are exhibited here, as are some of the Roman bronzes recovered from the Coto de Altamira or Taboexa (As Neves), along with other items from sites in the area. There is also a section devoted to the feast of Corpus Christi and its carpets of flowers, one of the village’s distinguishing features. Finally, a part of the museum is given over to the history of some of the village’s illustrious sons and daughters, who dedicated their lives to political, social or cultural affairs.
Monte de A Picaraña ()
At the peak of A Picaraña is a vantage point from which to enjoy a panoramic view of the O Condado region and the Castelo de Sobroso. This has been a place of worship where processions take place since far-off times. There is a certain air of magic and mysticism to the place. Legend has it that a fortress which Pedro Madruga instructed be built in order to keep watch over Sobroso castle was located here.
River Tea Riverside Path ()
A riverside path which runs parallel to the River Tea. Walkers can enjoy not only the ecosystem of the River Tea SCI along the path in its entirety, but also its cultural heritage, riverside beaches and recreation areas.